Sunday, February 26, 2006

Snacks from the Land of Woes: Part IV (Avarice and Waste)

Sometimes when you dislike something, you want to save it all for the garbage bin; some other times when you dislike something, you just want to give it all away as fast as possible.

Alukh and I experienced this study in opposites firsthand as we fell deeper still in our intrepid snack food journey. This time, our encounter would be into the darkness of the...


A lot of snack food around the world seems to involve the word "puffs." The difference is all in how it's prefaced. We Americans tend to suffix "puffs" onto words like "cheese" or "corn" or even "sugar." In Japan, however, the word is just as likely to be following some sort of crustacean. We were no strangers to the ubiquitous Shrimp Puff, but now we found ourselves face to face with its larger meaner brother: Prawn Puff.

But, unlike most of the subsequent delicacies, the way they looked was nothing, NOTHING, compared to the other sensory triggers it had to offer.

Shrimp really isn't such a salty food, so this was an interesting and unexpected sensation all right. I guess they needed something to separate it from the Shrimp Puffs. Alukh dove into the Salt Lake.

She insisted that I would hate it, but I think she was just trying to keep them all for herself. I was not about to be fooled.... or was I?

To Hell with that noise. I decided to be generous: the cats could have it. Alukh's cats are very nice little things, by the way. They still refused, however, to eat the Prawn Snacks. I can't imagine why. Perhaps we should have gone out to the hill and tried to find deer to feed them too. I hear deer eat salt like crazy.

Done with the fourth round, we were taking a beating and it was just beginning to show. Still, we held onto our hats and pressed onward. Next, we would stumble into the sludgy banks of the River Styx, and the sullen wrath that goes by the name: WHITE GOURD DRINK.


Blogger Drew said...

This lifestyle of seafood snack crackers is going to grow you a set of baleen.

6:10 PM  

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